Coverage Report

Learn how to generate coverage reports using Qodo Cover to enhance your code quality, streamline testing, and ensure better project results.

Qodo Cover analyzes your code to pinpoint gaps in existing test coverage. It then ensures that every generated or enhanced test adds meaningful value, avoiding redundant or unnecessary tests while improving overall code quality.

Coverage reports provide insights for developers to track progress and understand the impact of new tests.

Get a Coverage Report

  1. Install Qodo Cover on your existing project venv:

pip install git+
  1. If your project doesn't have a pyproject.toml file, create one:

name = "cover-agent"
version = "0.0.0" # Placeholder
description = "Cover Agent Tool"
authors = ["Qodo"]
license = "AGPL-3.0 license"
readme = ""
  1. Create a branch in your repository.

  2. cd to your repository root directory.

  3. Run the following command:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
export AWS_REGION_NAME=...

poetry run cover-agent-full-repo \
  --project-language="python" \
  --project-root="<path_to_your_repo>" \
  --code-coverage-report-path="<path_to_your_repo>/coverage.xml" \
  --test-command="coverage run -m pytest <relative_path_to_unittest_folder> --cov=<path_to_your_repo> --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term" \
  1. Alternatively, if you dont want to use poetry, replace poetry run cover-agent-full-repo with:

python ./venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cover_agent/ (Give the path to your actual installation)

Additional Configuration Options:

  • --test-file [relative path] Qodo Cover will extend tests in the provided file only.

  • --test-folder [relative path] Qodo Cover will automatically extend only test files in the provided folder.

  • --max-test-files-allowed-to-analyze The maximum number of test files to analyze. Default is 20.

  • --look-for-oldest-unchanged-test-files Qodo Cover will sort the test files by the last modified date and analyze the oldest ones first. Use this option to find the test files that are most likely to be outdated, and for multiple runs. Default is False.

Last updated